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The gorge is the point where the lapels meet in the front to create the V between which the necktie is visible against the background of the shirt. The coat´s design determines its positioning. While there is some flexibility in its placement on the upper chest, moving it outside this area to where it becomes a focal point courts instant obsolescence.
There are three kind of gorges on a suit coat:
1. Low/Long Gorge: is when the lapels are cut very low towards the stomach so that more of the shirt and tie are visible.
2. Mid Gorge: is when the lapels are slightly lengthened in proportion to the overall length of the jacket but not so much as to make it a visibly low gorge.
3. High Gorge: When the lapels is cut very high towards the neck so as to reduce the amount of tie visible between the two lines of the jacket on the chest.
The length of the gorge depends on several factors; styles used, the height of the wearer, and the number of buttons on the jacket.

Other commonly asked questions about Style Specific Questions

  1. What is the difference between inverse pleats and reverse pleats and how do they differ from standard pleats on pants?
  2. What are Morning Pants?
  3. What is a vent?
  4. Do you make detachable collar dress shirts?
  5. What is a Peak Lapel?
  6. What is a Notch Lapel?
  7. What is a button down collar?
  8. What is the difference between a single breasted and a double breasted jacket?
  9. What is a Sulptured Collar?
  10. What is a split back on jackets?
  11. What are inverted box pleats?
  12. What is the difference between a Notch Lapel and a Peak Lapel?
  13. What are Ticket Pockets?
  14. What is a hidden button-down collar?
  15. What style is best for me?
  16. What is button stance?
  17. What is a placket covered front?
  18. What is a Bouttonnaire?
  19. What is a Mandarin Collar, a Thai Collar, and an Oiental Collar?
  20. Where does custom tailoring fit with traditional vs. modern styles?
  21. Can I order deviations from styles that I like but want slightly different?
  22. What are the construction specifications for your shirts?
  23. What are hand stitched lapels and pockets?
  24. What is the difference between English or British cut and Italian cut men´s suits?
  25. What is an Ainsley Collar?
  26. Can designer styles be replicated?
  27. What is the difference between a Suit Jacket, a Blazer and a Sports Jacket ?
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